Sunday, October 20, 2013

Industrial Fume Collection Systems: Electrocorp and Amaircare HVAC Systems Offer Best Value

When a business or company has even small amounts of harmful fumes, gases, & vapors floating in work areas and offices, that’s a problem. And even though you have source capture fume extractors at each welding or soldering station, for example, often there are still residual fumes & gases floating around and being carried through the HVAC system into rooms & offices where everyone else is breathing these pollutants on a regular basis. And depending on how harmful the fumes (and particles) are, you could be setting yourself up for hefty, surprise increased healthcare, insurance and other costs, possibly even OSHA fines and lawsuits.
A great answer to this problem is to install an duct mounted fume extractor system, so that all of those residual fumes, gases & vapors will be removed, not just circulated, creating more hazards. A proper air conditioner based fume extraction system uses fairly large amounts of super-activated, industrial-strength carbon that absorbs the fumes and chemicals as they pass through, released only clean, filtered, hazard-free air for everyone to breathe. Some of the best fume extractors also include a commercial grade HEPA filter, which traps all those residual micro particles as well, removing that hazard, too, since even the best HVAC filters (even electrostatic) are not HEPA filters and will not stop those tiny micro-particles. A cyclone dust collection system, for example, can be fitted with both types of filters, carbon and HEPA filters to do a complete job of air cleaning in your shop, building or warehouse. And there are various units, such as Electrocorp’s I-6500 units that can function as cyclone dust extractors or as a standalone portable fume and dust extraction unit that can be rolled around to wherever fume extraction or air cleaning is needed most.
Do be sure, however, when selecting a commercial HVAC gas & particle filtration system that is does have several key features: 1) at least 40-50 lbs or more of industrial strength carbon, 2) ideally, a medical grade, commercial strength HEPA filter, 3) a pre-filter to prevent premature clogging of the other filters by larger particles, and 4) a good output of 400-1000 CFM. Anything less than those key features will not do the job you hoped that it would—and won’t remove the hazardous fumes and particles that can cost you in so many ways. Electrocorp is our best fume extraction system manufacturer recommendation because of proven results and long-lasting machines, at the best prices—and that means value.
Air Purifiers and Cleaners offers quality Electrocorp and AmaircareHVAC gas & vapor collection systems and portable commercial fume extractors for welding, soldering, shops, job sites, and just about any application where chemical, smoke, VOC, gas or particles need to be removed. And since we are an online store, that means we can use our low overhead to bring you these amazing fume extractors at the best discount prices possible, with free shipping every day!
If you have any questions about industrial fume collection, fume extraction, or anything related to industrial or commercial air quality control, give us a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. Our industrial air quality experts are standing by!
Air Purifiers and

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