Monday, June 30, 2014

Got Cold Weather Sinuses or Allergies? Relief May Be as Simple as Getting a Humidifier

When temperatures drop, the humidity often drops with it, especially indoors.  This is because the air, like water solutions, can hold more ‘stuff’ when it’s warm or can be more ‘saturated’.  So when the cold air arrives, the amount of water the air can hold decreases and results in dry air, which is brough into  your home or office by the A/C system. Then, indoor heating and air tends to dry the air a little more and soon, you have a very dry indoor air situation. This is one reason many people have more sinus, respiratory or allergy issues and irritation during cold weather or just if indoor temperatures are kept very cool. The simple solution to this problem is to use a portable room humidifier.
Electric room humidifiers release a mist of either warm or cool moisture into the air by way of evaporation, ultrasonic, or steam (warm mist).  Using a humidifier can easily replace the humidity or moisture lost due to cold temperatures an ease overly dry sinus and respiratory tissues, without either fewer or no medications, which can obviously save you money.  Humidifiers are also very good for keeping furniture looking new, as that little bit of moisture helps to keep finishes from cracking.  Usually, keeping indoor humidity at 35-45% provides enough moisture to ease sinus and allergy issues.
It is recommended, however, that you choose a top-rated humidifier for your home or office. This is not only because these units have better reviews from customers, but also because they have often been rated by outside companies as being well-made, providing high performance and value, so you won’t have to replace the humidifier within a year like so many cheap units. Top-rated humidifiers are also usually very quiet, as well, which makes them better for sleeping or other areas where noise needs to be kept to a minimum. 
In general, if you have small children, babies or pets, a cool mist ultrasonic humidifier is recommended, with steam or warm mist recommended if you don’t have any of those. Filtered humidifiers are best, overall, unless you have no pets or children running around—in which case, a steam humidifier is excellent because it purifies the moisture before releasing and requires no filters.  Regardless, before taking other steps to relieve indoor cold-weather allergies and sinus troubles, consider getting a small or large room humidifier and keeping the humidity at 35-45%--you might be surprised at how much better you feel in a day or two, and how much you’re saving on tissues, medications, etc.

Air Purifiers and offers only the best, top-rated fltered and filter free humidifiers at cheap discount prices with free shipping every day due to our low overhead. We also have a team of indoor air quality experts on hand to answer any questions you may have—just give us a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and

Friday, June 27, 2014

Don't Think Air Quality Can Affect Your Health, Your Mood, More? Read This!

A little known fact that is becoming more and more important is how much air we breathe per day, and how the quality of that air can affect literally everything. Humans inhale about 3000 gallons of air per day, on average, which about 6000 times how water we drink. Now, if indoor air quality is good—no bacteria, mold spores, dust mites, etc, there’s no problem. Unfortunately, however, it has been recently stated by the EPA that over 90% of Americans have significant levels of these pollutants in their homes and offices. And since most people are spending upwards of 90-95% of their time indoors breathing this air, do you think that might present a problem? If you don’t have a good HEPA air cleaner running, it certainly will, in the form of allergies, asthma, long term illness or all of the above.
The obvious, simple way to eliminate this hazard for you, your family or employees (if you run a business), is to install or buy a top-rated air purifier with quality HEPA and activated carbon filters. Air conditioner filters aren’t designed to remove bacteria, dust mites, mold spores in the sub-micron size range (the most dangerous size) and they certainly aren’t capable of removing airborne chemicals. HEPA air purifiers with activated carbon, however, easily remove over 95% of these pollutants, which can not only prevent or control allergies or asthma, but they can also prevent the more serious poor air quality health hazards such as heart disease, cancer, and more. That’s right—the odors, small particles, chemical residues from our cleaning products, pet dander, etc, all build up in our bodies and when they reach sufficient levels or cause enough damage, we end up with health problems. Not to mention, all those chemicals in the air do affect brain chemistry which has been shown in research to greatly affect your moods on a daily basis!
You do want to stay with top-rated air purifier units, however, mainly because they are designed to clean the air effectively and to last. Cheap air cleaners don’t perform as well, typically break down within a year, and they’re usually louder than the top rated units, which makes them not very good for use in bedrooms or sleeping areas. Top-rated air cleaners also have much better activated carbon, which is the key ingredient to remove harmful chemicals and gases, not only in your home or office, but also those brought in by the air conditioner, i.e. ‘fresh’ air. Most cities and towns have some kind of air pollution and our A/C systems bring it right into our homes. Ugh. And without a quality home air purifier, we breathe those pollutants every day. It’s a simple, affordable choice that can affect everything from your health to your mood. All you have to do is filter your indoor air—so that you can live longer, feel better, and not be plagued by unnecessary illness and allergies.
Air Purifiers and sells only best indoor air purifier systems, with true HEPA and activated carbon filtration systems that easily remove over 99% of pollutants. And since we are an online store with very low overhead, that allows us to sell at cheap discount prices with free shipping, so you can get the best deals right here, every day. If you have any questions, please give our experts a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

HEPA & Activated Carbon Air Purifiers: The Difference Between Good Health and Poor Health?

Other than direct causes like accidents, etc, poor indoor air quality is one of the biggest threats to our health that Americans are facing today, according to the EPA. In fact, in a recent EPA statement, poor indoor air was ranked in the top 5 health threats, right up there with cancer, etc.
The reason that indoor air quality has become such a problem is three-fold: first, it’s always been a problem because homes and buildings, their contents and inhabitants, tend to release, concentrate, and recirculate pollutants like dust, mold, dust mites, chemical fumes from cleaning products, paints & solvents, pet dander, etc; second, Americans are spending more time than ever at home or work, breathing this polluted air—average is over 90% of every day.
And third, since health problems don’t always arise quickly or get linked to air quality, most people don’t think there is anything wrong with their air. Truth is, however, it starts with a few allergies, asthma, headaches or similar symptoms, then over time develops into some ‘mystery’ illness that seems to pop up out of nowhere.
 Mold, which is present in almost every home, is one of the strongest carcinogens (cancer causing agent) on the planet, and dust mites (also present in most homes) are one of the strongest allergens. So if these and other pollutants are present in almost every home, you can imagine that, without an air purifier, constantly breathing these pollutants can cause problems. And this doesn’t even begin to describe the hazards and unpleasant results when industrial pollutants are inhaled on a daily basis.
The great news is that over 99% of the pollutants and problems can easily be avoided for just a few cents a day by using a top-rated air filtration unit. Most of the best air cleaners now include powerful HEPA and activated carbon filters that easily ‘inhale’ and remove over 99%, so you, your family, or employees don’t have to.
 Avoiding all the dangers of poor indoor air quality is actually just that easy—just buy a quality air filtration unit such as those from Aller Air, Austin, Blueair, Stadler Form, Winix or Electrocorp. All of these brands are proven to be effective for removing and controlling allergens, smoke, odors, dust mites, mold, even airborne bacteria and viruses. Most of these air purifiers also handle large home and office spaces with one air cleaner, adds to their value. Bottom line is this: filtering your indoor air can easily be the difference between good health and poor health. You’re literally one quality air purifier away from feeling better, living longer, and aging slower—and for a business, one air filtration system away from fewer liabilities and higher productivity.
Air Purifiers and offers the best, top-rated activated carbon and HEPA air purifier systems available, proven to remove over 99% of pollutants commonly found in homes and industrial businesses. And since we are an online store with very low overhead, that allows us to sell at cheap discount prices with free shipping, so you can get the best deals right here, every day. If you have any questions, please give our experts a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and

Friday, June 20, 2014

Carbon Air Filters: Proper Use, What They Do–and Don’t Do

Carbon has been used for a long time to remove chemical and gas type pollutants from the air. And when used properly and replaced regularly, they can be invaluable for keeping indoor air free of these types of pollutants. By one or more activation processes, usually by heat or chemical means, small granular or crushed carbon bits are given an increased attraction to chemicals, vapors, and other similar airborne residues, so that, in theory, when air passes by, these pollutants stick to the surface of the carbon, and allow only clean air to pass. There are several things to keep in mind, however, when using or relying on carbon filters to keep the air clean.
First, the type of pollutants in the air affects how well activated carbon filters can remove them, and all activated carbon can remove or ‘adsorb’ different pollutants at different efficiencies, i.e. 40%, 80%, 90% etc. For normal household use, a standard activated carbon filter will work pretty well and adsorb the majority of pollutants. For industrial use, however, it’s important to check with the carbon filter manufacturer to see how well their carbon will remove the pollutants in the work area; otherwise, you could actually cause more of a hazard buying a carbon filter air purifier that is doing more circulating of polluted air without cleaning it. A few companies, such as Electrocorp, actually offer custom carbon blends that efficiently remove specific pollutants so that doesn’t happen. Keep in mind, too, that cheap activated carbon doesn’t always work as well as premium or military grade—which can leave harmful pollutants in the air, plain and simple.
Carbon air filters are not HEPA filters are not much good at stopping or removing particles, dust or fibers, so if that’s needed in your situation, make sure the air purifier has a HEPA filter as well. Charcoal air filters, even those with military or premium bulk carbon, all become saturated with the chemicals or gases they are removing, and when saturated, the air purifier will simply allow polluted air to pass or be circulated without cleaning it, which again, can create a potentially costly health hazard for your home or business.
The obvious way to avoid that problem is to replace the carbon filters on schedule, a little before, when you smell odors again, or when hazardous chemicals are involved, when detectors show the presence of airborne chemicals again. Properly using carbon filters and replacing them appropriately can make a huge difference in air quality, safety, productivity and more—but used improperly or not replaced adequately, can actually increase problems.
Air Purifiers and offers the best quality manufacturer-made replacement charcoal air filters for many top air purifier brands, including Aller Air, Austin Air, Blueair, Electrocorp and others, as well as cheap bulk activated carbon—all at cheap discount prices with FREE SHIPPING due to our low overhead and great relationships with our suppliers. If you have any question about which carbon filter is right for your air purifier, bulk activated charcoal, or anything else indoor air quality related, please give our experts a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

HEPA Air Filters: Read The Label--They're Not All The Same

Most quality air purifiers on the market now include HEPA filters. That’s because true HEPA filters are able to remove or stop over 99.97% of allergens from circulating in the indoor space where the air cleaner is located. What isn’t always clear, however, is what size of particles will be removed, and there are other things to watch out for when you're buying an air cleaner or buying replacement filters, to make sure you’re getting the clean air you want.
The first thing to consider when looking at HEPA air purifiers or replacement HEPA filters is the size of the particles the filter claims to remove. For a filter to be classified or certified as true HEPA, it must be able to remove at least 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns or better. If you don't see these numbers, we don't recommend buying that air cleaner. This is an efficiency that works well for most people.
Some HEPA filters, by way of smaller ‘pores’ or air channels in the filter, are able to remove particles down to 0.1 microns, which is even better, but will often tend to increase noise due to increased air resistance. Blueair air cleaners and some Winix models use OH- ions to increase the efficiency of HEPA filters to 0.1 microns, as well, which provides better filtration and other benefits, such as fresher smelling air, odor reduction, increased alertness in work environments, etc. So, if you choose an air cleaner or filter that removes smaller particles, check the noise ratings and reviews to se if it's going to be an acceptable noise level for you. 50 dBA is the level of a human conversation and not really bothersome to most--anything less than that is better, of course.
There are also ‘hepa-style’ air cleaners out there, that have efficiencies close to HEPA, but aren't certified HEPA filters. Alen, for example, removes about 98% on the first pass, which allows for less noise and better air flow, but isn’t up to the 99.97% standard. Does it matter? It depends on how important certain things are to you, such as air purifier noise and getting rid of as many pollutants on the first pass.
If you have severe allergies, you may want only true HEPA and the highest efficiency possible. If you aren’t quite as sensitive to allergens, but would like an air cleaner that is quieter, a HEPA style or HEPA Silent (Blueair’s term for their ‘hepa style’ filters) type filter or air cleaner might be better. You do want to buy manufacturer-made replacement filters, however, whenever possible as these will work best for your air purifier, not void the warranty, etc.
Air Purifiers and sells replacement HEPA filters for many different brands of portable air cleaners, such as Aller Air, Blueair, Austin Air, Winix, and more, with free shipping and cheap discount prices due to low overhead. And if you have any questions, our indoor air experts are just a phone call way—call us today at 1-800-701-2513. We’ll make sure you get the right air quality information the first time, and the best filter prices anywhere—guaranteed.
Air Purifiers and

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sanosil Halo Fogger Disinfection System: The Future of Room Disinfection

Keeping hospital rooms and industrial spaces clean and free of bacteria, mold or other infectious agents has, to this point, mostly been accomplished by using standard cleaning methods and products, such as quats (quaternary ammonia), phenols, Lysol, and other similar cleaners. Lately, however, it is becoming more and more obvious that many of these cleaning agents not only pose serious health threats to those using them, but using these cleaners leaves 'gaps'--i.e. they don't kill everything, and typical mopping and wiping doesn't get to every place---and it's those places are where bacteria, mold & viruses continue to thrive and threaten the health of the occupants, cause hospital acquired infections, and more.
Fogger or vapor mist sanitizing systems aren't brand new, but they are quickly becoming the method of choice for ensuring that an OR or ER in a hospital are properly disinfected simply because when the cleaning agent is vaporized, it can reach every crack, crevice and surface. What IS new is Sanosil's powerful, green or 'eco-friendly' solutions that provide ultimate disinfection without chemicals, and without leaving so much as an odor in the room--no residue, nothing. Sanosil's SO 10 solution, for example, uses a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and silver ions to destroy bacteria and viruses on contact (including killing tough C. Diff, E. Coli and more), disables their DNA so they can't reproduce again and yet does not 'wet' down the surfaces in a room or leave any odor. All that's left is a completely sanitized room--in a matter of minutes.
And since typical wiping down of all surfaces isn't required when using a fogger, and the fact that one person can operate the fogger, that means a lot more disinfection can be done in a shorter amount of time, with fewer employees. That can mean a big reduction in overhead.  Best of all, the Sanosil solutions decompose into water, oxygen, and natural silver complexes--nothing like the hazardous film left when using quaternary ammonia cleaners that has been proven to cause disease. Plus, using quats (as many schools and correctional facilities still do) requires a soap and water wash down before and after the 'quat' application, which is far more time consuming than simply pushing a button on a fogging type sanitizer machine and waiting a few minutes.
We think the future of effective room disinfection is here: The Sanosil Halo Fogger Portable Disinfection System. Whether your business is a cleaning company, a daycare, or hospital, you owe it to yourself to try one of these units and see how quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively it can keep your rooms, buildings and surfaces clean and safe. 
Air Purifiers and sells top-rated fogging disinfection machines such as the Sanosil Halo Fogger and all Sanosil solutions, which are EPA registered, and chemical-free and safe for use. And since we're an online store with low overhead, that allows us to provide all of our amazing products at the cheapest discount prices possible, with free shipping every day. If you have any questions, just give our experts a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We're here to help!
Air Purifiers and

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Air Monitors and Test Kits–A Smart Move Before You Move-Or Even if You’re Staying

If you’re wondering whether you have indoor air pollution or not, whether a home or apartment is safe and clean, one of the smartest things you can do before you spend money on an air filtration system or services is to test the air first. Indoor air test kits and air monitors are both much more affordable now than they used to be, with many quality lab grade test kits for bacteria, mold, and more at $50 or less and laser particle counters in the $200-300 range. These handy tools will tell you clearly whether the home or apartment you’re thinking of moving to (or the one you’re living in) has airborne, bacteria, mold or just a lot of particles floating around (which isn’t healthy).
Testing a home is even more important if you have small children, newborns, infants, or elderly that wil be living there since most little ones and many elderly have lower immunity and that could mean trouble if the aiairr is loaded with bacteria, mold, or other pollutants. Dust mites are a big problem for many people, too, causing a large amount of allergy symptoms and they’re even implicated in as many as 60% of new asthma cases each year. Dust mites don’t ‘bite’ as some people think, but their saliva, body parts and waste material is one of the strongest allergens known to man. So if you have allergies, or asthma, it’s a good idea to test for these critters using a test kit.
Dylos Corporation offers affordable air quality monitors that can tell you in a matter of seconds whether there are particles floating around, how many, and what size, which can help you identify what type of particles they are. Dylos laser particle counters are very good for checking to see if the ducts need cleaning or if an air filtration system is working or not, by simply holding one of these handheld meters in front of the output or vent where air is coming out. While they won’t tell you exactly what the particles or fibers are, these units will tell you what size range they’re in, which help you determine what needs to be done, what type of filter is needed, etc.
Regarding air test kits, you do want to make sure that the kit offers a true lab analysis with results back in 3-5 days, and it’s better to pay a little more for a reputable kit than to buy a cheap test kit that might give you false information, which could lead to incorrect and potentially expensive courses of action. There are a few instant or quick test kits out there that will detect bacteria, mold, dust mites, etc–for these, look for one that is a swab type with a reagent in the bottom of the plastic tube. This type is easy to use and reduces the chances of error or contamination. For air monitors, the best, most affordable we’ve found is the Dylos DC 1100 series. They are low cost, work fast, and they’re made well. Either way, using both can give you a lot of information for a little bit of money that might help solve a problem, or prevent you from moving into one!
Air Purifiers and sells only top-rated air quality test kits and indoor air monitors from Dylos Corporation and other reputable companies that offer proven performance and value. And since we’re an online store with low overhead, this allows us to offer these amazing tools at cheap discount prices with free shipping every day. If you have any questions about which air test kit or laser particle counter might be best for your situation, give our indoor air quality experts a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513 for a free analysis and recommendations. We are here to help!
Air Purifiers and

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Choosing A Portable Fume Extractor: 3 Quick & Easy Steps to Getting the Right Unit

Choosing a portable fume extractor for your business shouldn’t be complicated. When you look online, however, you see a lot of prices and pictures, but often not the best information to clearly and quickly point you in the right direction. Here are three easy steps to choosing the right fume extractor (and manufacturer):
First, if it’s going to be an effective fume, gas, or VOC collection system, the air cleaner must have high quality carbon capable of removing a large variety of chemical pollutants. Rarely is there only one fume that needs to be removed—it’s almost always a combination because most workshops have more than one solvent or chemical present, and each one can contain several different elements that need to be removed. That said, you need an activated carbon filter that removes a wide range of chemical pollutants, and one that can be ‘tuned’ to remove a specific pollutant, if needed. That’s the only way you’re going to know for sure that your fume extractor is truly providing clean air. Electrocorp is one top-rated brand of air cleaners that offers this type of high-powered industrial strength carbon with the ability to tune the carbon to make sure it removes specific chemical or gas pollutants.
Second, you want high output capability but for the best fume removal , it’s usually recommended to run the unit at a slower speed so that the air has more time in contact with the carbon, which cleans it better. Running a fume extractor on high all the time can put extra wear on the unit and circulate somewhat polluted air back into your room. High output is used to clear out an area initially for an hour or two, or if high levels of chemical, vapor, gas or VOC pollutants are present on a regular basis—and if so, you’ll likely need more fume extractor units to properly clean the air because to get the best fume removal, you’ll need to run the air cleaner at about 250-350 CFM, which means you’ll need more units to achieve the OSHA required number of clean air changes per hour. So, again, you want high output capability and a strong motor, but one that has variable speed so you can run it at lower settings to clean the air properly.
Third, determine clearly if you have particles floating around or not. If you truly don’t have particle or fiber type pollutants in the air, you probably won’t need a fume extractor with a HEPA filter. We always recommend buying a unit with a HEPA filter, however, just to make sure any hazardous particles are removed. It usually doesn’t cost that much more and for the extra health and liability protection, it’s worth it. Just be sure to replace the filters on a regular basis to maintain that super-clean, liability-free air in your place of business. Carbon filters are even more important to replace on time or before, because they can become saturated and since they’re not able to remove chemicals at that point, the unit will be circulating polluted air, which you don’t want. For HEPA filters, the best way to know when to replace them is when they appear greyish or dirty on inside and outside.
Air Purifiers and sells only the finest portable fume extractors and duct-mounted chemical vapor filtration systems designed for heavy commercial or industrial use, with proven performance, and great warranties. And since we are an online store with low overhead, this allows us to sell these great fume & gas collection systems at cheap discount prices with free shipping every day, to help keep your bottom line where it should be—profitable. If you have any questions, just give our experts a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We are here to help!
Air Purifiers and