Friday, June 21, 2013

Air Test Kits: Cheap, Do It Yourself Air Quality Testing

So many people wonder what might be floating around in the air in their homes, rooms, and offices, especially if they have chronic illness, allergies, respiratory or other health problems. Now there’s a inexpensive way to know for sure if your indoor air is making you sick—by using DIY air quality test kits.
Homes, offices, and just about any building or enclosed space has the potential for indoor air pollution simply from the materials used in construction, carpets, paint and any products regularly used in or around that space. To accurately test and be sure of what is in the air, now there are The air pollutant test kits for mold, arsenic, asbestos, fiberglass, organic vapors and chemicals, allergens, bacteria, smoke, and just about everything else.
And most of them are easy-to-use test strips that you simply touch to a surface in the room and send off to a lab. Air test kits also let you know kind of air purification system is needed in your home, room or office as well—one that will remove the pollutants that have been found there.
It’s especially important to test the air in a room, apartment or home that you are considering purchasing because you don’t to be walking into a daily dose of disease and allergy-causing pollutants. Definitely spend the $50-$200 on the proper tests and make sure before you move in—it may just prevent illness or even save your life. And if you’re a student looking at a dorm room or apartment, many of these buildings have water or flood damage and mold in the air conditioning systems, walls, and carpets. Unfortunately, however, most of this is never disclosed to prospective tenants. So do yourself, your grades, and your health a favor—get a DIY air test kit and know what you’ll be living in—before you live there!
It is important, however, not to buy cheap indoor air test kits that you see on the internet for somewhere around $10 or $15. Those test kits are usually not as accurate, and don’t use an accredited lab for accurate, quick results. And the last thing you want is an inaccurate result that doesn’t detect something dangerous or mis-diagnoses the problem when the real pollutant is something else. That’s not good for anyone. The best DIY air quality test kits, such as those that we stock, are made by BHC which are very accurate and give you quick results in 3-5 days—which is fast enough to make a decision on whether to buy a house, for example, without losing to another buyer.
At Air Purifies and, we sell only BHC air quality test kits because they are proven and used everywhere in homes, apartments, offices, building and more. And, BHC is known for known for fast, accurate results in 3-5 days or less.
 If you have a particular indoor air quality concern and don’t see the air test kit for it, let us know. We either have that test kit or can create one for your situation. We have indoor air quality experts to standing by to help—give us a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513 with any questions!
Air Purifiers and

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