Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fume Extractors for Nail Salons: A Way to Increase Your Business?

When it comes to customers, it’s often what you don’t know that can really hurt your business. In general, it’s human nature to avoid conflict and for the most part, customers who have an unpleasant experience don’t make a scene—they just don’t come back. Then, you notice your business beginning to decline and you’re not sure why. Well, if you read enough beauty blogs and listen, you’ll see that often when a nail customer doesn’t return it’s one of 3 main reasons: price, quality of work, and…too many fumes or unpleasant overall experience, headache, eye or some other kind of irritation that was caused by the chemicals gases and fumes released when using nail salon products. And good or bad, people tell other people. Some nail salon owners try a DIY solution, either rigging up some kind of air cleaner system or just buying a regular air filtration system, and neither of those ever work well or comply with OSHA regulations. And not complying with OSHA regulations can result in hefty fines, making it even harder to succeed in business.
There is an easy solution to all of these problems, however, and that is to install a nail salon fume collector in your nail salon. Nail salon fume extractors have special filters that are designed to capture the vapors, chemicals and particles associated with doing nail work, and they will not only prevent the issues mentioned above, but since many other nail salon owners are still not cleaning the air, your customers will tell others that the air is clean in your salon, no headaches, allergy attacks, etc. That good ‘word of mouth’ advertising will increase your business on its own. Having a quality fume extractor system in your nail salon will increase your business in another way, too—less down or sick time with your employees. Since these systems capture the vapors, chemicals, particles and gases that cause illness, you and your employees will be more productive and spend more time building your business, not at the doctor’s office. And, you’ll spend less time cleaning (or less money paying someone to clean) because when the air is free of pollutants, dust, particles, sticky residues, etc, there’s less to settle on equipment, mirrors, floors, etc.
So where do you get affordable nail salon fume extraction systems and how should the system be designed? Good question. There are a lot of inferior air filtration systems on the market so it’s important to make sure that they unit has 1) enough properly activated carbon to remove the voc’s, gases, and chemicals you’re dealing with, 2) a good HEPA filter for removing particles from grinding, polishing, etc,, and 3) good construction, good warranty, and a good reputation. The only manufacturer that we’ve found that has all of these features is Electrocorp. Electrocorp makes source-capture fume extractors such as the Salon 5000 and Salon 6000 units, to place at each nail station or in between every 2 nail stations at a minimum.

These salon units are great for hair and nail salons and use specially-activated carbon filters and medical-grade HEPA filters to capture virtually all of the pollutants in the air on the first pass, immediately as they are released and before you or your customers can breathe them. Electrocorp also custom designs fume extraction systems with appropriate duct work collection points for more of a whole-salon system. Either one is going to be an excellent, money-saving, and business-increasing investment, and likely will give you an edge over your competition (since, again, many nail salon owners aren’t using fume collection systems yet).
Air Purifiers and is proud to be an authorized Electrocorp distributor, one of the very best manufacturers of quality industrial and commercial fume extraction systems in the world. In fact, Electrocorp is the only brand of fume collection systems that we offer, and that is because of their unmatched effectiveness, reputation for quality, and value. And since we are an online store, we don’t have the overhead of traditional stores. That means we can pass those savings on to you with cheap discount prices and free shipping to anywhere in the Continental U.S. Whatever chemical, gas, fume, or particle filtration system you need, Electrocorp has a unit perfectly designed for that purpose. Call our experts today for a free consultation at 1-800-701-2513. We are here to help!
Air Purifiers and

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