Monday, November 4, 2013

Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturers: Electrocorp Preferred By Most Business Owners

Dust and particles created by cutting, grinding, sanding, carving, or drilling various materials almost always creates a range of toxic particles from large to very small, fine dust–and none of these particles are good for you, employees, or customers to breathe. Finding the right manufacturer and type of units for the best dust collection system can be tough, however. And quite a few dust collector manufacturers either don’t have the best dust collectors, don’t recommend the proper units for a particular application, or discuss using a system of dust collectors for the best air quality and work safety in your workshop. Not only that, but if your business involves finishing or refinishing furniture or other items, making sure the air is over 99% dust and particle free can prevent a lot of ruined finishes, and keep production moving along without having to ‘re-do’ and ‘re-spend’.
One particular manufacturer routinely stands out among the rest, however, for quality, value, and helping business owners select or customize a dust & particle removal system that perfectly fits their business, workshop or woodshop requirements. For best dust collection performance in shop where grinders, saws, drills, sandblasters, etc are being used, you often need a good source capture unit near each machine and one overall portable or HVAC-based HEPA dust extractor to capture any remaining dust left in the air.
And one of the best differences between Electrocrop and a lot of other industrial dust collector manufacturers is that many of the Electrocorp units also offer the ability to capture tough fumes at the same time, with the very best activated carbon filters available. That means if you’re working with solvents, paints, finish removers, varnishes, etc., and doing a lot of grinding, sanding, carving, using routers, etc, you can remove over 99% of all particles AND any fumes, gases or vapors, all at the same time. This can save you a lot of money by not having to buy several different types of air cleaners—just buy the Electrocorp industrial filtration unit for dust & fumes, with both types of filters, and you’re good!
It is important to accurately evaluate the dust collection needs for your shop and purchase the right dust collection units accordingly—which Electrocorp specialists can do for free. Getting the right source capture unit is fairly easy—simply choose a unit that has a pre-filter / dust filter for larger particles and a HEPA filter for the smaller particles, so that the unit isn’t exhausting toxic fine dust particles (which often happens when there is no HEPA filter). Next, make sure the arm and collection nozzle are the right length, size, and shape for the area or machine it will be used for. Also, if any of the particles or fumes are of a combustible nature, choose a dust extractor with an explosion proof motor.
For the portable room dust collector or HVAC unit, it’s also best that it contains both HEPA and carbon filters (more carbon if there are a lot of chemicals used, less if there’s very little) so that any remaining large or small particles are removed from the air. For source capture systems, we recommend Electrocorp’s best RSU CCH or 8000 W series dust collectors, since they contain industrial strength HEPA (important for drywall dust removers), carbon and prefilters to give you the best air filtration possible in your workshop or woodshop, without having to buy several different types of air cleaners.
For HVAC based dust collectors, we recommend the I-6500 Cyclone units, which can function as standalone dust collectors, capturing dust and fine particles at the source or easily attach to the HVAC system to remove dust, particles, and fumes from the entire shop or building. Regardless, for best air filtration, best air quality, and highest work safety, allow Electrocorp to recommend or customize a dust collector system that perfectly cleans the air in your shop, with the least number of units and best value for dollars spent.
Air Purifiers and is your #1 online source for the best industrial-strength source-capture dust collectors, cyclone dust collectors, HVAC-based workshop air filtration systems, woodshop dust collectors, replacement filters and much more. And since our overhead is very low, we’re able to offer these amazing dust extraction units at the very best, cheapest discount prices possible, with free shipping every day. If you have any questions about which industrial or commercial dust particle collection unit or system is right for your workshop or woodshop, give our experts a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513 and we’ll do a free evaluation for you, right over the phone! Call us today–we are here to help!
Air Purifiers and

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