Saturday, June 6, 2015

Portable Office Air Cleaners: An Easy Way to Stay Well

Americans are spending over 90% of their time at home and at the office, breathing polluted indoor air. And offices are notorious for having air quality that is sometimes worse than homes. This is because of large air conditioning systems that often receive inadequate maintenance, larger numbers of people in the same room or building that bring germs into the area, and more chemicals from copier toners, industrial cleaning supplies, and other sources. All of this creates highly polluted indoor air that most people breathe 8-10 hours or at least one third of their day, which is proven to be responsible for creating illness, allergies and more. 

Using a portable office air cleaner is a smart , cheap way to avoid these pollutants, and the associated illnesses, colds, flu, allergies and more--for literally pennies a day. The best office air cleaners are much like the best home air purifiers in that they include medical-grade HEPA filters to remove particles, mold spores, bacteria, etc as well as heavy duty carbon filters that remove all those extra chemical vapors. If you can easily avoid these pollutants by using a quality home air cleaner, why wouldn’t you? 
At our online store we make it easy to select and buy the perfect portable HEPA air cleaner for your home or office that is proven to remove over 99% of all of these types of pollutants—and you can get them at a cheap discount price with free shipping!  Call us today with your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!

Air Purifiers and





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