Sunday, April 5, 2015

UV Light for Mold Control: A Powerful, Necessary Step

Whether you’re currently having mold remediation work done, had it done before, have mold, or just suspect that you might have mold in your home, you want to take steps to ensure that you aren’t breathing disease-causing live mold spores. And since one of the most common sources of mold ‘re-pollution’ is your air conditioning ducts, you want to make sure that you’re doing something to prevent mold growth in the ducts and coil areas. The best way to do that, other than regular duct and coil cleaning is UV light air cleaners.
Using UV light for mold control is a very effective, necessary step you’ll want to take to make sure that any mold spores, bacteria, viruses or other germs are destroyed so you’re not constantly breathing them and allowing them to thrive in naturally moist areas—namely the interior walls of your duct work and coil. Installing a simple, two bulb system in the right places not only kills over 95% of these living pollutants, helps get rid of musty odors and VOC’s, and more. You’ll also notice that you don’t have quite as much dust floating around, either.
That’s because UV lights produce UV-C light rays that create healthy OH- negative ions that both increase the efficiency of air filters and cause particles to literally fall out of the air.  By using an ultraviolet air purifier, you get all of the these great side benefits and peace of mind knowing that any mold spores that might want to re-pollute your home are being destroyed—so you don’t waste the money might have spent on mold remediation!  
We offer the best, 100% USA-made UV light air purification systems at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping--so you can enjoy clean, healthy air without breaking the bank. Call our mold control experts today toll-free at 1-800-701-2513 and discuss UV light air cleaner systems. You’ll be glad you did.
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