Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs: Why Natural Treatment Sprays Are Best

It’s no secret that bed bugs are a tough pest to get rid of. And often, those that have them call their exterminators who then use chemical pesticides to try to get rid of them, which can bring poison hazards into the home and cost more. And though some pesticides do work fairly well, you don’t want those pesticide residues in your mattress or pillows. Natural bed bug treatment sprays are a good alternative that is effective, cheaper, and doesn’t harm you, your pets, children, your furniture, your hotel customers–or the environment.
Bed bugs need multiple treatments, as well, to really get rid of them whether you’re using pest control chemicals or natural products. So instead of having more and more hazardous chemicals building up in our home, you might be better off using something that is safe and non-toxic t humans and pets, right? Exactly. Two particular brands that offer top-notch products for home and commercial bed bug pest control are Bed Bug 911 and Stop Bugging Me. Both brands’ products can be safely sprayed directly on bedding, furniture, carpets, rugs, luggage, etc. And Stop Bugging Me is even endorsed by Stacy DeBroff of the popular website Mom Central. That tells you one thing—it works, and it’s safe.
One tip: If you’ve been searching for how to get rid of bed bugs and haven’t been successful yet, it may be because you’re not using a two-step approach of treatment sprays and mattress and pillow protectors. Experts agree that using mattress covers and pillow protectors along with the sprays can be much more effective. This is because those encasements trap the bugs inside with the solutions so that you get a better kill as they often cannot escape. That along with treating your home, room, or commercial property, hotel, etc twice a week and testing weekly can really help you get rid of them for good-again, without the use of harmful pest control chemicals.
Air Purifiers and offers the best natural home bed bug treatment products, mattress covers, pillow protectors and more–all at the cheapest discount prices due to our extremely low overhead as an online store. We also have a team of bed bug experts on hand to answer questions and provide free information whenever you need it. Just give us a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and

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