Thursday, January 1, 2015

More Flu Season On The Way: How to Use UV Air Purification Systems for Defense

The recently-mutated H3N2 strain of influenza virus has already caused a significant number of problems, with 36 states reporting widespread cases. The H3N2 strain of flu has caused severe flu seasons in recent years and since it’s back again with mutated versions as well, the CDC indicated last Tuesday that this years’ flu season is reason for concern—not just because of it's history, but primarily because this year’s vaccine wasn’t very effective. That means even with the same level of flu virus transmission we had last year, we’ll have more cases of it this year and possibly more severe, which makes it more dangerous for the elderly, children or others with weaker immune systems.  One thing you can do, however, to reduce your chances of getting it or at least shorten the symptoms is to use UV light air purification systems to protect yourself.
UV light air cleaners, whether mounted in the duct work of your air conditioner or sitting on the floor in your room help reduce and prevent the spread of disease in two ways.  First, the UV light rays destroy the cell or protein structure of bacteria, mold spores and viruses as they pass by in the polluted air that’s being circulated.  Second, the ultraviolet light produced by UV light air purifiers (most often UV-C) produces hydroxyl and sometimes superoxide ions, which further destroy airborne germs and help shorten their lifespan on surfaces, too.
Duct mounted UV systems are very good for quickly cleaning up all the air in your home, since all the air in your home is passing through the A/C in most cases, passing by those germicidal UV bulbs.  Some people use a combined approach of a duct mounted UV air purifier and a floor unit such as the RxAir UV air purifier system (which is a Class II medical device designed for air disinfection). Using both makes your indoor environment that much more difficult for any germ to survive, which helps prevent infection / re-infection. That plus your usual flu prevention efforts like washing your hands, avoiding people that seem to be ill, avoiding public places, etc, you might actually avoid getting the flu altogether.
If you haven’t already gotten the vaccine, the CDC recommends that you should, especially if you’re older or have a weaker immune system. True, this year’s vaccine wasn’t the best, but it will offer some immunity to the viruses in play, and some protection is better than none. In any case, be sure to discuss all of this with your physician if you’re still not sure.
Air Purifiers and offers the best air conditioner ultraviolet light systems at the best discount prices with free shipping every day, due to our extremely low overhead.  Call our experts today toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We're here to help!
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