Friday, December 19, 2014

Construction: #1 Worst Job for Lung Health

Construction workers encounter a variety of particle and fiber type pollutants on a daily basis, with especially high risk during demolitions and renovations, making construction one of the worst jobs for lung health, according to a recent study published by Demolitions and renovations, in particular, place workers at high risk for lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis, a disease the can lead to scar tissue forming in the lungs, reduced lung function, etc.
The problem with demolitions and renovations is that often these jobs involve housing or structures that were built 20-30 years ago when many building products contained hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead, and others that weren’t banned yet. And of course, just about any construction project or job site is going to have other types of pollutants floating around, from sheetrock dust, wood fibers, concrete dust, metal flakes and dust, and all of these can and do cause regular skin and respiratory irritation for a lot of workers.
Making sure employees wear protective gear such as suits, respirators and avoiding smoking does help, but it’s also a very good idea to have a dust removal system running whenever there are particles and fibers present, since people do take respirators off, don’t wear them sometimes, etc. As a business owner, keeping a portable dust extractor or two on hand is smart insurance against workers comp claims, OSHA citations, and other expenses that you want to avoid.
And regardless of equipment manufacturer claims, any filters they include on the units such as grinders, table saws, drill presses, belt sanders, etc will only stop the larger particles and because of the airflow, will actually push through and circulate sub-micron particles in the work area, actually creating more of a hazard. That is why you need a quality particle removal system in place with a HEPA filter to get rid of those particles before they cause a problem.
Air Purifiers and offers high quality, portable construction site dust collectors with true industrial-grade HEPA filters, proper pre-filters that extend filters life, and custom solutions to fit almost any commercial application. And since we’re an online store, that enables us to offer these amazing products the cheapest discount prices available, with free shipping every day due to our extremely low overhead. Call us toll-free today at 1-800-701-2513 and let our industrial air filtration experts answer your questions. We’re here to help!
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