Thursday, May 31, 2012

Got Mildew Smell in Your RV? Here's a Low-Cost Way To Get Rid of It and Keep Cool!

So many RV owners deal with the constant smell of mildew. We clean and clean, but it seems like there's no getting rid of it so we get used to it. Well, that's because the 'smell' comes mainly from a living organism--mold. And if you spend time in your RV, you and your family are inhaling mold spores, bacteria, and other pollutants (dust, dust mites, pollen, carpet fiber, etc) that become airborne with any movement, foot traffic, etc. And who wants another sinus infection or allergy / asthma attack to ruin a vacation? Is there anything we can do?

Yes there is!  You can simply buy a portable upright air conditioner that not only provides excellent cooling (and heating with some models!) but also naturally dehumidifies the air-removing the moisture that causes over 80% of mold and mildew smell!  Brands such as Danby and Newair offer great, low-cost units with powerful output, light weight, easy operation and no ducting necessary.  You might also consider adding a small air purifier such as the Austin Healthmate Plus Junior to remove over 99% of any mold spores and most odors. This Austin unit is one of the very best values on the market with the most powerful filters and output for the money.
Best of all, you can buy both of these top-rated units at our online store where we offer a full line of discount air conditioning systems and portable air purifiers at cheap discount prices with free shipping every day.   Call us toll-free for fast answers to your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We're here to help!

Air Purifiers and

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