Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Best Car Air Filters: What Works, What Doesn't...

More and more research is coming out proving that indoor spaces, especially smaller areas like the interior of our cars, trucks and other vehicles can be highly polluted and contribute to ill health as a result of breathing those pollutants. And it’s not just what is in the car that pollutes the air–you have a variety of outdoor pollutants such as smog or whatever is in the air wherever you are driving.
The outdoor air in cities and industrial areas is typically loaded with a variety of chemical and particle pollutants that the cabin air filter in the car (if it has one) aren’t able to stop. Don't believe that? Just look up air quality ratings  online for your city.  Put all of that together with the bacteria, viruses, mold and chemical pollutants typically found in vehicles and it isn’t difficult to figure out why you might not feel as well after driving for a while, or feel sleepy on a long drive, etc as these pollutants cause various allergic reactions in the body. So it makes sense, if you’re serious about feeling your best and maintaining good health to find and use the best car air filter you can find.
Fortunately, there are a few auto air cleaners that do have the filters and other important features to effectively remove car interior pollutants. Those air cleaners will have 1-3 pounds or more of quality activated carbon to remove the chemicals, a HEPA filter to remove over 99% of the particles, bacteria, airborne mold spores, dust, etc and a pre-filter to grab the larger particles first before they prematurely clog your HEPA. Ionizers do freshen the air some and do cause particles to drop out of the air, but a good portion of the chemicals are still there and the particles weren’t removed–they just fell to the floor only to be recirculated again. There are a few portable car air purifiers out there that do have good HEPA, but not much output or carbon–and these are OK if you’re on a budget but it’s best to buy one with substantial carbon and good output so it can clean all of the air every few minutes to keep you from breathing the pollutants first.
At our online store we offer a great selection of quality HEPA car air purifiers from top-rated manufacturers at the best discount prices with free shipping. Our low overhead and relationships with suppliers enables us to bring you the best products at the lowest prices so you can save and still get the premium air filtration units you need to feel your best and maintain good health. Call our experts today with your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!

Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com


Friday, December 16, 2016

Fume Extractor Air Cleaners: Get The Right Unit for Results & Savings

Getting the right fume extractor for a particular application not only saves you a lot of money, but helps you get the air cleaning results you want without creating more problems. What many customers may not know is that, depending on the type of odor or pollutant, you don't always need carbon.  And sometimes, you will need specialized pre-filters and a MERV rated filter to handle light mist and dust.  It just depends on what you're doing, how much dust or mist or odor is being generated, and whether you'll need a portable unit for ambient fume control, a source capture unit to grab the pollutants where they are being produced, an HVAC duct fume extractor or some combination of these. If you're painting, sometimes you just need a portable spray paint air cleaner that will absorb those pollutants in your garage while you're painting and can do just fine without spending a lot. Again, it just depends on what you're doing and the other factors above for selecting the proper fume extractor air cleaner.
For example, if you have a lot of fumes in a commercial workspace, you'll probably want a combination of source capture fume extractors to immediately grab those fumes where they are being produced, ideally one per workstation, plus an HVAC duct fume extractor to clean up the remaining pollutants in the air as that air is circulated through the HVAC or air conditioning system in the building. And when it comes to the filters that should go in these fume extractors, often unless there is actual odor, you can remove a great deal of it with a good HEPA and pre-filter system. If there are hazardous chemicals, you would want carbon or other media specifically tuned to remove those pollutants for safety and OSHA compliance.  On the other hand,  if you need something like a laboratory odor remover, you can often go with either portable units with carbon or other media (depending on the nature of the odor) or advanced filterless units that don't need filters but use PCO technology to sanitize the air, protecting you from airborne bacteria, viruses and eliminating VOC's (which cause a majority of odors anyway)

Another important application to make sure you get the right unit for is laser engraving, cutting and 3D printing. These processes product fumes and particles that often require specialized filters to adequately remove them. This is especially true for the fumes, as these types of fumes cut by CO2 lasers, etc often need a phosphoric base carbon blend, not your typical activated carbon which won't remove them sufficiently. Industrial grade carbon is often pretty effective, but to be on the safe side, it's best to use a fume extractor designed for those types of machines and with the right carbon to avoid problems.
Regardless of which type of fume removal system you need, we have a great selection of top-rated units to handle virtually any application at the best discount prices with free shipping in many cases .  We also have a team of air filtration experts on hand to answer your questions--call us toll-free today at 1-800-701-2513. We're here to help!

Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Industrial Dust Collection: Doing it RIght Makes All The Difference

When you have dust floating around in commercial or industrial work environment, getting it out of the air that employees are breathing is vitally important. And most people will naturally run out and buy a dust collector, sit it on the floor and crank it up–without considering several key points that will make the difference between success or just partial dust removal and the creation of more airborne hazards.
The first mistake is not choosing a unit designed for industrial dust collection. The second mistake is skimping on the size or number of dust collectors needed, which only partially removes the dust and stirs up the rest, actually creating more hazards. Third mistake is not choosing the right dust collector with the right filters–i.e. you don’t always need HEPA and there are units that have cleanable filters, and there are situations where you want only disposable particle filters. Even if you’re just looking for a shop HEPA air cleaner for the garage, you still want to speak to a professional before buying to make sure you get exactly the right dust collection system without overspending or under spending and wasting your time and money with the wrong unit.
At our online store we offer a great selection of top-rated dust collectors to fit nearly every purpose from source capture to negative air to ambient particle removal systems, all at the best discount prices with free shipping on most orders (for large orders we offer a shipping credit to minimize shipping cost). Best of all, we have a team of industrial air filtration experts on hand to answer your questions and make sure you get just the right commercial work station filter, portable dust collector, or combination system that is perfect for your needs. Call us today toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!

Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Getting Rid of Animal Odors: What It Really Takes

Pet boarding facilities, pet owners, veterinary offices, kennels all run into the same issue at some point from having animals on the premises on a regular basis: excessive animal odor. Getting rid of or effectively controlling those odors, however, can be a difficult issue, especially if the animals are constantly there releasing them. In short, animal odor comes from three main areas: oils in the skin or glands, waste material (urine and fecal), and hair & dander that either become airborne themselves, or the VOC vapors from those elements, or both. To get rid of the odor requires regular cleaning of surfaces, as well as the air, with the proper cleaners and air filtration devices that are sufficient to remove the pollutants.
A proper pet smell air purifier, for example, will have not only a HEPA filter to remove airborne odor-causing particles and hair, but also a substantial carbon filter PLUS other media that is effective for removing ammonia odors–a chief component of animal urine odor that even the best activated carbon doesn’t remove very well. That other media is usually zeolite, a clay substance that is often included in cat litter for the same reasons. Unfortunately, there are not that many air cleaner companies that offer such a filter, one being Austin Air that offers all of the filters above and works well as a result. Another important point is that for multiple pets or animals in one space, you’ll almost always need more than one pet air cleaner since the amount of pollutants being released has been increased.
So other than regular vacuuming and cleaning, your best bet for keeping animal odors under control is buying one of more quality pet air filters and making sure to properly size the unit or number of units to the room and take into account the number of pets where purification is needed. At our online store we offer a great selection of top-rated pet air purifiers with excellent performance and the best warranties, even 30 day money back guarantees on several units. Call our pet air purification experts for free answers to your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help you breathe easier–and save!
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com