Monday, August 29, 2016

Industrial Air Scrubbers: HEPA, Carbon or Filterless--Which One Do You Really Need

Industrial workspace air quality is a serious area of safety and must be properly addressed, not just to protect the business, but also you and the workers that are breathing the air on a regular basis. Maintaining proper indoor air quality in these environments often requires that the air be filtered properly with an industrial air scrubber. All industrial air scrubbers aren’t the same, however, and getting the right one for your application and the pollutants that need to be removed from the air is critical.
Essentially, HEPA and MERV rated particle filters remove dust, fibers and other particles. Carbon and photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) filters trap or break down chemicals and thus remove them from the air. If you have particle pollutants that you can see, you probably don’t need a HEPA, but do need a good MERV rated commercial air filter that will remove 95% of particles down to 1-5 microns (MERV 12 or 13, I believe). If you know that fine dust is being generated, but can’t really see it settling on things and people do cough or sneeze often, then you probably have sub-micron size particles, which would require a HEPA or MERV 14 or higher filter to remove those. Heavy duty organic and inorganic chemical vapors will need activated carbon or similar media that is tuned to remove those pollutants.
If the pollutants are more like ethylene gas or methane, for example, filterless PCO air cleaners are a great choice, and offer the added benefit of air disinfection as the PCO also destroys airborne bacteria, mold and viruses. Regardless of which type of industrial air filtration system you need, at our online store we offer a great selection of top commercial air purifiers with expert support available to help you choose exactly the right air cleaner for your needs, without overspending. Call us today for a free consultation at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!

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