Tuesday, August 23, 2016

3D Printing Fumes: The Right Fume Extractor is Vital for Safety

For those working in 3D printing, having a few unpleasant odors is common and considered fairly normal. And while many materials don't create anything really toxic when printed, the fumes from ABS and PLA however, may actually be toxic VOCs (Volatile Organic Carbon). A  new study conducted by 3Dsafety.org, working with WASP (a leading 3D printing manufacturer) found that during filament extrusion, fusion and processing of plastic materials, several toxic particles are released as well as gases, plus ammonia, cyanidric acid, phenol, and benzene--all of which pose serious health risks with repeated exposure (especially for younger operators, the elderly or those with weaker body systems, etc).

The simple way to prevent this issue and continue creating the incredible things that 3D printing is known for, a 3D printing fume extractor should be purchased with source capture capability (meaning it has an extendable arm to provide suction at the work area). You also don't want to grab just any industrial VOC air cleaner, though--you absolutely need to make sure the carbon or other media in the air filtration unit is effective for the chemicals being released.

Carbon and other media can be 'tuned' to specifically do a better job of removing certain things--if you are working with a reputable air cleaner company and you ask for it.  Buying the proper fume removal system can greatly help to ensure that everyone remains safe while working, help protect you and your business from lawsuits, among other benefits.

 At our online store, we offer a wide variety of quality fume extraction units, commercial odor removal systems as well as custom air filtration units designed to meet your needs and specific requirements, all at discount prices with free shipping and expert support. Call us today with your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We're here to help!

Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com


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