Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Pet Air Cleaners: Choose HEPA, Carbon and Ions for Best Performance

Pet owners buy air purifiers for various reasons, including reducing allergies, cutting down on hair and dander floating around, and even helping the cat, dog or other pet breathe cleaner indoor air and have fewer allergies themselves. Selecting a really good air cleaner for use with pets can be difficult, however, since every manufacturer has their claims as to why their air purifier is the one you should buy.
When it comes to making a pet air purifier effective against odors, dander, bacteria, viruses, etc, it really comes down to, whether the unit has enough air-moving power, the filters, and whether it has UV or ions. First, the air purifier has ato be able to cycle all of the air in the room about every 4-5 minutes max. Why? Because if it takes any longer, there’s a good chance you’re going to inhale the hair or other pollutants before the air cleaner can get to it. Basically you want a pet air cleaner with an output of at least 150-200 CFM.
Next, you definitely want HEPA and substantial activated carbon filters, as the HEPA will remove the dander, dust, hair and other particles, and the activated carbon removes the airborne chemicals that make up the odors we smell. The more carbon, the longer the filter lasts and the better it removes pet odors.
Pet air purifiers with ions are getting more attention these days, too, since they can also be antibacterial, antiviral, and destroy VOC’s which make up a lot of those odors, too. And, ions tend to cause larger particles to both fall from the air as well as make them stick together which enhances a HEPA filter’s particle removal efficiency. So getting a unit with UV (which typically produces OH- ions and superoxide ions) or one that says ‘with ions’, will give you that extra edge for removing dander, reducing allergies, and keeping odors under control.
 That said, the best brands of air purifiers for pet dander & odors we’ve found are from Aller Air (with UV option), and Blueair, with their Gas & Odor Filters. Both brands have all 4 main components mentioned above—they definitely have outputs above 200 CFM, they both have medical-grade HEPA filters, substantial activated carbon filters, and offer UV or ions. Specifically, Aller Air’s 5000 Vocarb with UV and Blueair’s 450E are top sellers for pet air filtration purposes. Winix is also good, but does not have the same odor removal capacity, small amounts of carbon, and the warranty isn’t as good—but they are good if you’re on a budget. The Austin Pet Machine is very good, as well, but does not have ions.
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com sells the very best pet air cleaners with quality HEPA, activated carbon filters, powerful outputs, and UV or ions to effectively remove pet dust, dander and odors from your home. And since we’re an online store with very low overhead, this allows us to sell at the cheapest discount prices with FREE SHIPPING every day! Call us today for free information at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com


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