Those who regularly deal with sinus and respiratory allergy reactions (and asthma) know that most of the time, it’s usually some kind of particle or fiber in the air that causes them trouble. And they’re usually right. So naturally, a HEPA filter often makes a big difference and usually reduces symptoms quickly by removing those particles. Many times, however, a HEPA air cleaner is purchased and it either helps for a little while then the allergy symptoms seem to increase again, or the air purifier doesn’t help much at all. In these situations, there are usually other things in the air that are causing reactions that a HEPA filter can’t remove—such as airborne chemicals.
This is why sometimes a HEPA filter isn’t enough, as it is only designed to trap particles and does nothing to stop airborne chemical residues from household cleaners, stored solvents, paints, even chemicals that are continually off-gassing from the materials used to build your home or apartment (especially true for new homes and apartments). Another major source of airborne chemicals is the outdoor air that your air conditioner is bringing in. Most cities have some degree of air pollution (some very bad like Los Angeles, Phoeniz AZ, even Birmingham AL) and whether we want to believe it or not, without an air purifier with a substantial activated charcoal filter removing the smog and other gas-type pollutants that are coming into your home, we’re breathing those pollutants every day and night.
The simple way for allergy and asthma sufferers to avoid the reactions caused by airborne chemical pollution is to buy an allergy air purifier with a good HEPA filter for sure–but also choose one that has quality activated charcoal filter as well, and UV if you have that option. If you're looking for an effective asthma air cleaner, the same rules apply. Activated charcoal naturally absorbs those chemicals and removes them from the air so you don’t have to breathe them. UV light produces ions that help disintegrate VOC’s (volatile organic compounds), odors, and other chemicals, leaving only harmless CO2 and water, and much cleaner air as a result.
So, buying an allergy air cleaner with all three elements—HEPA, activated charcoal and UV—goes much further toward preventing allergy and asthma reactions than a HEPA filter alone can do. For this reason, Aller Air and Blueair air purifiers are among the top-rated air purifiers for allergies and asthma, as they include all three of those air-cleaning elements. The Austin Allergy Machine and RxAir Purification System are also very good choices. So if you’re still looking for relief, try an Aller Air 5000 Vocarb with UV, Austin Allergy Machine or Blueair 450E for example—you’ll probably notice a big difference and feel much better in 24-48 hours.
Air Purifiers and sell the best, most effective air filters for allergies, asthma and other respiratory issues, from top manufacturers like Aller Air, Blueair, Austin Air, RxAir and others. And since we are an online store with very low overhead, this allows us to sell at the cheapest discount prices on the internet with free shipping! We also have a team of allergy and asthma air filtration experts on hand to answer any questions you may have. Just give us a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
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