Sunday, March 12, 2017

Vapor Mist Sanitizers: The New, Better Way to Disinfect Rooms, Surfaces & Vehicles

Keeping surfaces in public areas, hospital rooms, public transportation, ambulances and other high-risk areas free of harmful bacteria, viruses and other pathogens can be very difficult. Much of the problem comes from the constant re-contamination, as well as ineffective, incomplete or inconsistent cleaning patterns. Not to mention, some sanitizing solutions don’t kill everything or be effective for certain pathogens. For example, some disinfectants like chlorine might kill a variety of bacteria, but do not kill mold spores. Chlorine bleach actually causes mold to grow faster. 

Another huge issue is improper dilution or mixing of bleach and other disinfectants. If you don't mix to the correct strength, the solution often won't really do the job--it will reduce the number of colonies of bacteria, but might not kill MRSA or Staph as you had hoped. Then, if the surface doesn't remain wet with the disinfectant for 5-10 minutes as usually required, the disinfectant again often doesn't work optimally. Adding to those challenges is the problem of human error, where the usual spraying, wiping and mopping misses certain areas and leaves just enough of the bacteria or other organism for them to reproduce and re-contaminate the surface or room that way. This is why vapor mist sanitizers are the future of proper room and surface disinfection.

Vapor mist disinfection systems emit a ‘dry’ (super fast evaporating) fog of natural disinfectants into a room that reach virtually every available surface, to include areas that almost never get cleaned such as walls, ceilings, vents, under tables, and almost every crack and crevice, textured surfaces with grooves, etc. This dry fog is also tested safe around electronics, so all those dirty areas like computer keyboards and touch screens also get disinfected–all in a matter of a few minutes, instead of the hour or two it might take a two-person cleaning crew to do an equivalent job. The solution used by companies such as CURIS is also sporocidal disinfectant cleaner, meaning it will destroy spore-type organisms such as mold spores, C. Diff and many others. That not only makes facilities safer, but also greatly helps pass tough inspections. Beware of imitators, however, as those systems that use a chemical like vital oxygen, for example, are actually corrosive and break down rubber and plastic surfaces.

At our online store we offer the best, latest vapor-mist disinfection systems with natural disinfectants that are EPA registered, include no harsh chemicals green and eco-friendly and are routinely used by many hospitals, state and federal municipal organizations, schools, gyms, fire departments, EMT's and more to quickly and effectively disinfect rooms, vehicles, and other contaminated areas–all at the best discount prices with free shipping. Call us today with your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help you make your facilities safer, reduce liability and save money :)

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