With rising healthcare costs, insurance companies are naturally taking a tougher stance toward hospitals and other medical facilities’ efforts to keep healthcare acquired infections (HAI’S) at minimum levels. To do that, some type of supplemental or adjunct disinfection has to be performed above and beyond normal cleaning. The normal spray and wipe methods that leave hospitals at the mercy of human error (i.e. incomplete or improper wiping technique, missed spots, etc) are just not enough anymore as they leave germs like C. diff, E. coli, MRSA and more living and waiting to infect a patient.
To combat this problem, powerful UV light systems or ‘robots’ were created that do a good job, but still miss areas and cost a small fortune to implement. Fortunately, however, there’s a new sheriff in town that’s taking over—it’s called VHP or vaporized hydrogen peroxide dispersed by fogger sanitizer machines.
Fogging disinfection systems dispense a specific amount of vaporized hydrogen peroxide that reaches virtually every surface and eliminates the human error factor, with a 99.9999% kill rate. And, they’re a lot cheaper than UV systems. Plus, the solutions are safe to use around electronics, eco-friendly, and leave no odor or residue. For these reasons, many hospitals use these systems for chemical disinfectant cleanroom fogging, OR’s, patient rooms, waiting areas and much more. Naturally, those that use these systems find that their infection rates drop dramatically. And amazingly, they get along much better with their insurance companies, get paid faster, with less hassle.
At our online store you can buy the very best of these non-aerosol disinfectant foggers, solutions and more all at the best discount prices with free shipping! Call our experts today at 1-800-701-2513 to discuss which system is right for you. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com
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