When it gets hot outside, it often gets hot inside, too,
or at least uncomfortable without a breeze to keep you cool. This is where a even a small electric fan can make a big difference. Many people think ‘I have an
air conditioning system—why would I need a fan’? That's because a fan will circulate the cool air better, you’ll
feel cooler more often, and actually won’t have to set your AC quite as low—which
saves you money because the AC runs less and your fan only uses about 40 watts, or about the cost of a low-wattage light bulb. Wow.
Another benefit of buying a quality room fan, in addition
to keeping cool, is the white noise created that helps a lot of people fall
asleep and stay asleep better. Even an
ultra-quiet room fan can be turned up enough to create this gentle background
noise that is even proven in sleep studies to help with sleep.
And best of all,
you can shop our great selection of quality portable electric fans at our online
store—and buy them at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping due to
our extremely low overhead. Call us today at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com
LOW PRICES-FREE SHIPPING-EXPERT STAFFhttp://www.airpurifiersandcleaners.com/cooling-portable-room-fans
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