Second hand cigarette smoke is actually composed of ash particles, chemicals, and tar molecules, so to effectively remove smoke you have to use a smoke air cleaner that can remove all three. Tobacco and paper ash particles are very small, so a good smoke eater air cleaner with a true HEPA filter to is best. Cigarette smoke will have more ash than pipe tobacco or cigar smoke because of the burned paper, so having the best HEPA filter will be extra helpful for cigarette smoke.
The airborne chemicals present in second hand cigar, cigarette, and pipe tobacco smoke are primarily VOC’s by nature (volatile organic compounds), so activated carbon filters are pretty good for that. There are, however, some compounds in tobacco smoke that aren’t removed that well by normal activated carbon so choosing a smoke eater with a carbon filter enhanced for smoke removal is much more effective. Aller Air and Blueair both have smoke air filters with enhanced charcoal in their DS, DXS (Aller Air), and G.O. Smoketop filters (Blueair).
And, you want to make sure that carbon filter in your smoke eater has a lot of activated carbon in it, not just for the extra filtration power, but also so that it lasts more than a month or two. Carbon filters with very little carbon become saturated quickly and stop removing the odors and chemicals created by second hand tobacco smoke. So if you don’t want to be replacing the filters all the time, choose a house smoke odor eliminator with something like 15-36 pounds of carbon or more, like Aller Air, with carbon filters that typically last 2-5 years depending on use.
The airborne tar molecules are fairly large, sticky, and are pretty easily trapped, either by a good tar-trapping pre-filter or your HEPA filter. The advantage of having this this type of pre-filter before the HEPA filter is that it stops the tobacco tar before it can prematurely clog the HEPA filter, resulting in longer HEPA filter life.
So, if the smoke removal air purifier you’re looking at includes a tar-trapping pre-filter, you’re looking at a good unit; if it doesn’t, move on or you’ll be replacing HEPA filter far too often--with the exception of Blueair units that have a built-in progressive filtration media that works like a pre-filter.
So, if the smoke removal air purifier you’re looking at includes a tar-trapping pre-filter, you’re looking at a good unit; if it doesn’t, move on or you’ll be replacing HEPA filter far too often--with the exception of Blueair units that have a built-in progressive filtration media that works like a pre-filter.
So if you choose a second hand smoke removal air purifier that has all three types of quality filters and a strong enough output for the room or house size you’ll be using it in, you’ll get the smoke odor and particle elimination you want. The best smoke eliminator air purifiers with all three types of filters are those from Aller Air’s DS and DXS series, which you can buy at a discount from our online store, with free shipping on all units and filters. You might also consider the Blueair 450E or 650E as these units are very good for affordably removing smoke particles and odors, as well. Call our smoke elimination experts toll free today at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
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