Remodeling, rebuilding or repair jobs almost always cause the release of harmful particles and fibers. And if the job is at home or building that was built 20-30 or more years ago, workers are likely to encounter asbestos, which is proven to cause asbestosis, mesothelioma, and cancer. And of course, most contractors have their employees wearing respirators, but there are other concerns. You can have a dust collection system running and employees wearing respirators, but there will be times that they take their masks off in a polluted environment, and how do you know that your dust collector is doing it’s job? Only one way to be sure of how many particles are in the air at any given moment—use a handheld air quality monitor.
These are easy to find now, and quite affordable, like $250-300. Dylos Corporation offers several handheld laser particle counter models that will detect and give you a quick reading on both larger particles and the tiny, more dangerous submicron particles and fibers, as well. For that extra sensitivity in the lower range, you want the Dylos DC1100 Pro model, since they will detect down to 0.5 microns, which is small enough to get through and around the edges of some masks and respirators.
Dylos Corporation also offers a DC1100 Pro PC model that will allow you to connect your air monitor to a computer for graphic viewing of air quality—so you can tell if things are getting better or worse, or if your air cleaning efforts are working or not—vital information to stay on top of if you’re trying to get jobs done without creating health problems for people. Obviously, if you don’t have a good portable construction dust collection unit, it might a good idea to keep one or two on hand—looks a lot better if there ever was a problem and you were investigated for negligence.
Air Purifiers and is an authorized dealer for Dylos DC1100 air monitors, quality dust collectors, replacement filters, air test kits and much more—all at cheap discount prices with free shipping. We also have a team of air quality experts on hand to answer any questions you have. Call us toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
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