Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Home Air Cleaner Systems: Your Best Protection Against Illness?

The EPA has stated more than one in the last few years that indoor air quality is a serious health concern, right up there in the top 5 major health threats. Recent research studying the effects of indoor pollutants like dust mites, bacteria, mold spores and accumulated chemical fumes from carpets, cleaning products, paints, etc also verifies the damaging effects on the immune system, developmental problems for babies, brain disorders, increased aging, cancer and other problems. Is everyone just making this up? You would think so since so many people still think ‘it’s not that big of a deal’ or ‘not in my house’. But those are often the people that wind up getting very ill early in life for no ‘apparent’ reason.
Truth is, mold spores, for example, are one of the strongest carcinogens in the world. And dust mites are one of the strongest allergens, causing on average 60% of new asthma cases every year. Some people still believe that their air conditioner filter is enough to stop all of these pollutants, but that’s not true, either. These filters are not HEPA or carbon filters and are not capable of stopping the micro-pollutants that cause most of the problems.
Preventing poor indoor air quality, however is very easy—simply use or install a home air cleaner system with quality HEPA and activated carbon filters. These types of air purifiers provide some of the best air purification you can get and easily prevent disease and reduce or eliminate allergies. Stick with a top-rated air cleaner brand, however—the cheap units break easily and don’t’ have the same filters, regardless of what they say on the package. It’s your health—and for just a few cents a day, you can add years to your life and prevent most illnesses.
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com sells only the best, top-rated HEPA air purifiers and electronic systems with top quality HEPA and activated carbon filters that are proven to remove over 99% of all common home pollutants. And since we’re an online store with extremely low overhead, we’re able to sell all of our air cleaners, filters and other products at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping every day. Give our indoor air quality experts a call today and get your questions answered! 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com


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