Sunday, September 8, 2013

Is Your Central Air Conditioning System Making You Sick?

A lot of home and business owners think that as long as they have a good or even top-rated air filter in their A/C or HVAC system that this will be enough to make sure they’re breathing clean air. Unfortunately, this really isn’t the case. Unless the duct work has been installed in the last 6 months (i.e. brand new), there’s about a 95% chance that your air conditioner system is polluting your indoor air and could be making you get sick more often or have more allergy & asthma symptoms.
Why? Well, the truth about HVAC air filters is this: allergy rated air conditioner filters on the intake side prevent about 90% of larger dust, mold, pollen, and fiber particles in the 2-10 micron range from getting into the coil area and being blown out the other side. A filter on the output side helps stop a few more of particles in that size range, but neither filter does anything to stop the more dangerous, illness-causing live mold spores, bacteria and other germ particles at 1 micron and below.
And if the filters aren’t stopping them, that means your home air conditioner system is pushing them out to the rest of the house or office for everyone to breathe. What’s worse is that the coil (where Freon flows through and cools the air by condensation) stays wet and serves as a breeding ground for more bacteria, mold spores, viruses, and more—which, again, gets blown out into the home or building to be inhaled by the occupants. Obviously, this can easily create more allergies, asthma, and illnesses for everyone breathing that polluted indoor air.
An easy answer to this problem is to install a laboratory grade ultraviolet furnace air purifier system in the duct work on the output side of the air conditioner. True lab grade ultraviolet light systems that use 36 watt bulbs do an excellent job of killing mold, bacteria, and destroying viruses when they float by the light. For the most effective air purification, most experts recommend installing a two-bulb UV light air cleaner system, with the bulbs 30 inches apart so that the germs get a full 48,000 light units—which is the amount needed for a 99%+ kill rate for virtually all bacteria, viruses, algae, and other germs. With one of these great systems installed, at least whatever is blown out into the home or office building will be dead, not live germs!
For the very best protection, it’s best to also have one or more top-rated portable HEPA air cleaners running as well, since even dead dust mite particles, for example, can still cause strong allergy and asthma reactions. This powerful ‘one-two punch’ of having a duct mounted ultraviolet light air cleaner system plus effective portable HEPA air cleaners running will ensure that you’re breathing clean, disinfected air in your home or office over 99% of the time. Just make sure that the UV light system has true 36 watt bulbs, nothing less, since lower-wattage bulbs simply don’t have enough power to kill the really troublesome bacteria, viruses and other germs. This air purification combination can also help you avoid expensive duct cleaning jobs, too!
Air Purifiers and is proud to be an authorized distributor of quality home & office UV light air purification systems with certified 36 watt laboratory-strength bulbs for the best UV light air purification possible. These systems will work well in just about any home, office, or any building where there is a HVAC or central air conditioning system. And since we are an online store with low overhead, that allows us to offer these amazing APC HVAC air conditioner UV light systems at cheap discount prices with free shipping every day. If you have any questions about home air purification, testing or anything related to indoor air quality, call us toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. Our UV light air purification experts are standing by!
Air Purifiers and

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