There's a lot of information and people calling attention to airborne dust and chemicals fumes causing poor indoor air quality. And true, by trapping the dust effectively, you are certainly removing a larger percentage of bacteria, viruses or other germs that often come along with that dust. What is starting to come to light, however, is the fact the many of the germs and viruses are able to become airborne by themselves after easily detaching from a dust particle as the particle goes through the air, for example. This allows viruses, mold spores, and various bacterial species to float in the air that are too small for even the best HEPA filter to stop, which means you and your family will eventually breathe those pathogens and at some point have to deal with lowered immunity, colds, flu or other illness as a result. This is why many people who have an air purifier still get sick more often than they should. The answer that prevents this problem is simple: buy and use an air sanitizer or antimicrobial air cleaner, not just an air purifier as they are often two different things.
Air purifiers are by definition a machine that removes air pollutants. An air sanitizer, however, is by definition an air purification machine that uses UV light, PCO, ions, heat, ozone or other means to kill or destroy germs. Most air cleaners only have HEPA and carbon filters to remove particles and chemical pollutants, odors, but nothing that kills the germs. However, if you choose an antimicrobial air cleaner, you'll be buying an air cleaner that definitely kills airborne germs as the air passes through the unit. And if this air cleaner also has a HEPA filter, it will trap over 99% of the particles, as well. If this air purifier also has a carbon filter, it will trap various airborne odor-causing and other chemical molecules, too. So to get the best air quality improvement, including killing any airborne bacteria, viruses, etc, it's best to choose an air cleaner that provides all three--HEPA, carbon, and a stage where the air is treated with one or more of the germicidal methods mentioned above.
At Air Purifiers and, we offer a wide selection of the very best germicidal indoor air purifiers, with high performance, great warranties, excellent value and the best discount prices with free shipping. Our super low overhead as an online store allows us to offer top-rated germicidal air purifiers at the best discount online sales prices plus free shipping, and we're happy to pass those savings on to you--so you can get the best air purifier for your needs while saving as much of your hard earned money as possible. We also have a team of indoor air quality experts on hand to answer your questions, provide free quotes and recommendations and more--just give us a call toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We're here to help!