Saturday, May 30, 2015

Air Purifications Systems: Reduce The Chance of Illness by 90%?

Well, first of all, it's been proven that over 90% of households and buildings have significant levels of indoor air pollution. And since Americans are spending 90% of our time indoors at home or at the office breathing this polluted indoor air, it would make sense that ensuring that this air is super clean would help us avoid 90% of our exposure to these pollutants, right?  And there's often even more of an opportunity for businesses to benefit from keeping the air clean. Employees and customers can often get a much higher dose of highly-toxic pollutants, if chemicals or hazardous particles are released as a part of doing business.
And this indoor air quality problem isn't just in the U.S. In nearly every part of the civilized world, indoor air is polluted by various germs and chemicals, and made worse by poor outdoor air quality, especially if you live in or near a city. In fact, for some countries such as India and China, commercial and industrial pollution causes a much more serious indoor air problems as heavily polluted air and smog is brought indoors by the air conditioning system or just by open windows. Of course, any household or business with the proper office or home air cleaner system in place (with HEPA and carbon) doesn't really have to worry about these problems.

The bottom line is very simple: those individuals and companies that properly filter their indoor air have been scientifically proven to be at far less risk of disease. And though these systems do cost money, the savings they offer are worth many, many times the cost—from reduced healthcare expenses, reduced allergy medication costs, fewer doctor visits and co-pays, elimination of employee air quality injury claims and lawsuits, OSHA fine prevention and more.
Best of all, getting the proper air filtration system for your home or business is very easy and affordable to do by visiting our online store where you can buy the best air purifiers on the market at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping. Our indoor air quality experts are standing by to answer your questions—call us today and feel the difference that super clean indoor air can make!
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Tobacco Smoke Air Cleaners: Why Residential Systems Aren't Best for Commercial Applications

Smoke in commercial spaces is often more concentrated and can cause increased health risks to employees and customers without proper filtration. This concentrated smoke can also use up filters very quickly, and cause typical residential tobacco smoke air cleaners to need far too frequent filter replacements, which can be very expensive. For these reasons and others, a commercial smoke eater is best for heavy smoke removal situations.
Commercial smoke air purifiers feature enhanced filtration to remove more chemicals, larger amounts of filtration media for long life and enhanced absorption capabilities, as well as medical grade HEPA filters and tar-trapping pre-filters. This type of filtration system creates the very best air purifier for smoke and saves money in the long run with very low maintenance and super clean air that prevents health problems and irritation for customers and employees.
At our online store we offer the very best commercial grade cigarette smoke eaters at cheap discount prices with free shipping. Call us toll-free today at 1-800-701-2513 and get the right smoke eater for your business. We’re here to help!
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Home Indoor Air Quality: Your First Best Step Toward Good Health

It’s been proven in a variety of scientific studies that the air in most homes and offices contains significant amounts with mold, bacteria, viruses, dust mites, chemicals and other pollutants. There are also studies proving, even statements by the EPA that indicate these pollutants cause various allergies, asthma, and a list of other more serious diseases, either in the short term, long term or both.
Now, most people that want better health typically begin working in diet and exercise areas, not knowing or not thinking about how the air they breathe in their homes and rooms is very likely sabotaging their efforts and probably causing various ailments that bother them on a daily basis.
The great news is that improving indoor air quality and allowing yourself to move much faster toward your best health is very easy to accomplish by simply by using the right indoor air quality products that remove pollutants, keep humidity at healthy levels and more—for a lot less than you think.
At our online store, we make it easy to find exactly the right indoor air products you need while saving as much as possible. We also have a team of indoor air quality experts available to answer any questions you may have. Call us today toll-free at 1-800-701-2513—we’re here to help!
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Quality Electric Fans: Why They’re a Much Better Deal Than Cheap Fans

Electric fans have been around a long time. And there’s a wide variety of fan sizes, types and price levels. What’s important, however, is not to get caught in the cheap fan trap. Cheap fans can be bought for a lower price, but typically don’t last, can present fire hazards from cheap wiring, and certainly don’t add to a room’s décor very well—unless your décor is all plastic and pot metal. A much better alternative is a modern electric fan. Quality modern electric fans do cost more, but they definitely look better, last longer, perform better, and more importantly, they’re much safer.
Cheap wiring and poorly made fans have presented safety hazards for a long time and that’s a risk you don’t want to add to your home or office. The same is true for a workshop—you really don’t want fire hazards when you buy a shop fan as this could set off a much larger fire if you have paints and solvents in the shop. And if you think about it, once you’ve replaced several cheap fans, you’ve spent nearly as much as one quality fan and lost valuable time. Quality modern fans prevent all of this and add a great decorative look to a home, office or shop.
Best of all, you can easily buy a quality, long-lasting, great-looking electric cooling fan at our online store at a discount price with free shipping. Call us today with your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We’re standing by to help!
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Monday, May 25, 2015

Summertime Tips for POTS & Dysautonomia: A Little Extra Salt Can Be Your Friend

In many circles, sodium or salt has received a bad rap as something that can make high blood pressure conditions worse, increase fluid retention when and where it isn’t needed, etc. For POTS and dysautonomia, however, lightheadedness related to low blood pressure is a common symptom. Interestingly, a little extra salt and fluids can help raise blood pressure in a good way, and help prevent lightheadedness.

Dr. Paula Moore and Dr. Susan Phillips at Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC in Birmingham, AL (regarded as two of the best POTS doctors in the nation) are finding that their patients with lightheadedness related to low blood pressure are benefiting from what they call ‘salt shots’. Salt shots consist of one quarter teaspoon of regular table salt in just enough water to mix, then chased by 16 ounces of pure water. This can be repeated once or twice throughout the day as needed.

Salt shots can help with maintaining better overall hydration, especially during the summer when warmer temperatures can cause us to lose more water.  As a general rule of thumb, Dr. Moore also recommends that their patients with POTS or dysautonomia drink an ounce of pure water for every degree of outside temperature. So if it’s 80 degrees, plan on drinking 80 ounces of water over the course of the day. This level of water intake with the extra salt can make a big difference in hydration levels, which can not only help with lightheadedness, but helps your body increase oxygen levels, flush out toxins and more.

If you’d like more information about POTS syndrome treatment, dysautonomia or if you’d like to speak to Dr. Moore or Dr. Phillips directly, you’re welcome to schedule an appointment at our new dysautonmia and POTS disease treatments center. Here we offer all of the latest technology, the best diagnostic testing and some of the most effective treatment options available. Our office is located in Birmingham, AL, but we regularly work with patients nationwide.  Call us today at (205) 286-3201 and get the answers you need.
Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC
Accurate Diagnosis & Treatment for Better Results
2470 Rocky Ridge Road Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35243
Phone: (205) 286-3200

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Dehumidifiers: Use Them to Reduce Allergies & Asthma, Control Odors and Improve Health

Excess moisture is a growing problem in many homes across the U.S. This excess moisture increases allergies, asthma and works against your health because it feeds mold and bacteria growth. Mold and bacteria need moisture to replicate, so when the indoor humidity gets over 50-55%, that’s just enough to cause them to thrive, releasing mold spores and bacteria into the air you’re breathing. And, that extra mold and bacteria growth often contributes to unpleasant household odors like mildew and causes other odors to linger more.  
So instead of spending countless dollars on air fresheners and allergy medications, it makes a lot more sense to get rid of that extra moisture quickly and easily with a portable home dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers work by drawing warm air across coils with a refrigerant flowing through them, causing condensation and thereby removing the moisture from the air.
Once the indoor humidity gets down to 40% or less, in most cases, this stops the mold and bacteria growth because there simply isn’t enough moisture for them. The great news is that you can easily buy a high-capacity portable dehumidifier at our online store. We offer a great selection of allergy dehumidifiers with air filters for sale at the best prices with free shipping due to our extremely low overhead. Call us today, get the dehumidifier you need for less, and take control of your allergy or asthma symptoms once and for all!  We’re here to help!

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Room Humidifiers: A Smart Way to Get Over Chest Congestion, Faster!

When you have a cold or sinus condition that has resulted in chest congestion, dry air is the last thing you want. This is because that solidified mucus simply becomes harder and more difficult to remove. This is why expectorants like guaifenesin work so well because it has a way of attracting moisture to those areas, thereby loosening phlegm and mucus deposits. So, if you want to super-charge your recovery from chest congestion, all you have to do is get a home humidifier rated for the size of the room you spend the most time in.
And for the purposes of relieving chest congestion, what type of room humidifier you get doesn’t really matter. You just want one with a built in hygrometer so you can keep track of the room humidity and adjust to keep it at 55-60%. This is usually enough to help loosen phlegm. A home humidifier like this, plus guaifenesin and drinking lots of water can reduce your recovery time by 50-75%. And, at our online store, you can shop from a wide variety of quality, affordable personal humidifiers for sale with cheap discount pricing and free shipping. Call us today with any questions at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Looking for Mitral Valve Regurgitation Treatment Options? Make Sure the Diagnosis is Right First

A lot of people have been diagnosed with something called MVP syndrome (MVP stands for  mitral valve prolapse syndrome). This is a diagnosis based on a family of symptoms that can also apply to dysautonomia,  mitral valve prolapse, and related conditions.  And granted, there are times when the mitral valve is prolapsed and not functioning properly. Many times, however,  the heart valve isn't actually 'permanently prolapsed', but there are symptoms that make that appear to the problem.

To make matters more confusing, POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), is a form of dysautonomia, can also have some similar symptoms to MVP syndrome. Truth is, there are general treatments that can help all of these conditions, but there are also specific treatments for each one that provide much better relief that say the 'shotgun approach'. And certainly, if say, mitral valve regurgitation is the problem, you'll probably get better results with specific mitral regurgitation treatment options. But again, you want to make SURE what's really going on before you do anything.

This is why, before you settle on a diagnosis and start any kind of treatment plan, the first thing you want to do is get very clear picture of what is going on—and that means making sure that you get a clear and accurate diagnosis from a specialized autonomic disorder and mitral valve treatment center. Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC of Birmingham, AL features two nationally-recognized doctors, Dr. Paula Moore and Dr. Susan Phillips. They specialize in autonomic disorders and are known for using the right tests to get to the bottom of what's going on--so you can feel better, faster.
Dysautonomia-MVP Center, LLC
Accurate Diagnosis & Treatment for Better Results
2470 Rocky Ridge Road Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35243
(205) 286-3200

Dylos DC1100 Air Pollutant Monitors: Know Whether The Air is Clear or Not

Not knowing whether you’re breathing polluted air is a lot like shooting in the dark. If you’re trying to improve air quality in your home, you need a way to see if what you’re doing is working. Airborne particle meters such the Dylos Corporation DC1100 air monitor can tell you in a matter of seconds if your filters are working well or not, where the source of pollutants might be coming from and much more. This can help you spend your money wisely and only buy what you need.

Dylos air pollutant monitors are known around the world as the best value for laser particle counters and they are used in a variety of settings, including homes, businesses and healthcare to ensure that the air stays clear and expenses are kept to a minimum. The great news is that you can shop a full selection of Dylos air monitors at our online store and purchase at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping due to our extremely low overhead. Call us with your questions today at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Best Tiger Filter Price: HEPA and Carbon, $58.95, Free Shipping!

Looking for the best price for your Tiger air purifier filters? Look no further than Air Purifiers and!

Unlike many stores, we've got them in stock, with the best Tiger filter price around--PLUS free Priority Mail shipping!

Click above, below or call 1-800-701-2513 and grab your Tiger AKH purifier filters TODAY before we sell out!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Replacement Air Purifier Filters: Cheap Maintenance That Keeps Healthcare Costs Down

Most people purchased their air purifiers for one of two main reasons: to remove pollutants that cause allergies or odors, or simply because they want everyone in their home to breathe clean air. And a third main reason more people are buying air cleaners is because they are realizing that the research is true—cleaner air prevents health problems and reduces costs. What is equally important to realize, however, is that replacing your home air purifier filters on schedule is very important for those air cleaners to do their job and waiting too long not only increases costs in many areas–it can actually hurt you. You’re kidding, right? Not at all.
When air cleaner filter cartridges become clogged or saturated, several things begin to happen. More wear and tear on the machine as air is harder to push through (true for HEPA filters), backflow of pollutants around the filter for poorly sealed filters and sometimes pollutants will go through the filter, which results in extra circulation of a concentrated dose of pollutants.
Carbon filters that remove odors and chemicals can hurt you even more quickly because, when saturated, they simply stop absorbing the chemicals and the unit then circulates that polluted air, giving you more of a dose of those chemical pollutants. And you might not even know it until you experience sensitivity symptoms again—which could be dangerous for some people. For industrial or other situations where hazardous chemicals are being removed, a spent carbon filter can mean immediate danger!
Simply buying your replacement room air filters on time prevents all of these problems and keeps costs down. And—at our online store, we make it easy for you to buy the quality replacement air filters you need with an excellent selection, cheap discount prices and free shipping! Call us today toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Negative Air Machines: An Easy Way to Prevent Poor Air Quality Injury

Whenever there are a lot of particle or chemical pollutants being produced in a space, to prevent potential injury it’s important to create a flow of air that keeps those pollutants moving out of the workspace, not accumulating in the air around workers.
Mold and asbestos abatement, and any remodeling jobs are particularly known for high concentrations of indoor pollutants, and frequently use HEPA negative air machines to keep the air clean while the work is being done—which keeps costs lower, productivity high and injuries from poor air quality out of your way.

A temporary negative air flow (out of the building or room) can also direct pollutants to a collection chamber for testing, and can increase oxygen and decrease odors in the space.  This is because the negative flow is creating a slight pull of outside air that comes in through cracks in the building. Electrocorp negative air units are one of the best values on the market, in terms of sheer air moving power, top quality long-lasting filters, solid steel construction, versatility and affordable pricing.

At our online store, you can shop from a wide variety of portable negative air purifiers designed to provide excellent negative air pressure and filtration in almost any situation. And since we’re an online store with extremely low overhead, this allows us to sell at the cheapest discount prices with fast, free shipping. Call us today at 1-800-701-2513 and let our experts answer your questions.  We’re here to help!

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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Portable Welding Smoke Extractors: Electrocorp LD 450 is Your Best Value

Mobile welding operations face the same types of pollutants found in welding shops, but keeping harmful chemicals and particles out of the air is even more important. This is because you’re usually at the customer’s location, home, business, etc and any harmful air quality conditions created by the operator at the job site can create serious liability for the business owner.
And just because the welding might be performed outdoors, that doesn’t mean the welder has clean air to breathe. In fact, since the pollutants produced while welding are a mixture of smoke, chemicals, vapors, and micro-particles that are often heavier than air, this creates a danger zone or ‘cloud’ around the work area that tends to hang around the work area for some time--something you can't afford when you're at the customer's business or residence.
Because of this, many mobile welding units choose a portable smoke eater that quickly absorbs this cloud of pollutants as they are being released, preventing a whole list of problems. Electrocorp’s LD 450 Fume Extractor is one of the very best portable welding smoke extractors available. It comes with 40 lbs of the strongest industrial carbon, a HEPA filter for micro-particles and a spark arrestor filter to stop any flammable embers. The LD 450 also comes with a 4 foot arm that you can position exactly where you need it.
And, the LD 450 is light and portable so it’s easy to throw on the truck and take with you to virtually any job site. Even better, you can buy the LD 450 fume collection system and many other excellent commercial smoke air purifier systems at our online store at the cheapest discount prices with free shipping and expert support any time you need it. Call us today at 1-800-701-2513! We’re here to help you protect your business!
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Keeping AC Coils Clean and Cleaning Costs Down--with HVAC UV lights

Cleaning the ducts attached to your air conditioner is always a great step toward maintaining good indoor air quality. These cleanings, however, can be expensive and the real problem is that it really only takes a few months for the ducts and coils to become dirty again. This is because, by nature, the coil is wet the majority of the time and this allows mold, algae and bacteria to breed, which pollutes the ducts with these contaminants when the air blows past. To keep this from happening and to keep the need for duct and HVAC coil cleaning down, one of the best things you can do is to install a duct mounted ultraviolet light air purifier system.
UV light air conditioner purification systems have been around for a while and are being used more and more in the ducts to kill mold spores, bacteria and prevent their growth. Now, it’s being recognized that it’s also a very good idea to place an ultraviolet light unit above the coil, as well, as this keeps the coil clean and eliminates the major source of pollutants. Many people are also using HVAC UV for smells, as the ions produced by these bulbs tend to eliminate odors, as well!
Best of all, at our online store, you can buy the best rated, made in USA HVAC UV light systems with laboratory grade 36 watt bulbs at the best discount prices with free shipping. Call us today toll-free with your questions at 1-800-701-2513. We’ll help you select the perfect UV system that will keep your air conditioner ducts and coil clean, eliminating hundreds of dollars of duct cleaning costs!
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Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Portable Whole House Air Cleaner: The Sun Pure TRIO Air Purification System

If you have a home or room with no central air conditioning or ducts and many times, these spaces will have window air conditioners to compensate. Window air conditioners, although better than nothing, constantly blow air across the dirty coils directly into a room, often creating highly polluted air in the entire home because there is no central air conditioning system to even help spread it out. And most window air conditioners don’t have good filters, which makes matters worse. In these situations, a quality portable whole house air cleaner can make a huge difference.
The Sun Pure TRIO electronic whole home air filtration system is a perfect answer to homes without central air conditioning or extra-large rooms. The TRIO air purification system includes strong, large room capacity and the best filters to provide the cleanest air possible. The TRIO filtration system includes 4 stages, with pre-filters, HEPA filters, carbon filters and modern UV photocatalytic oxidation or PCO. The result is a super-powerful air filtration system that eliminates germs and chemical pollutants, as well as trapping over 99% of any particle pollutants, giving you the cleanest air possible in your home.
And, at our online store you can buy the Sun Pure TRIO portable deluxe whole house air purifier system at a cheap discount price with free shipping. Check out the TRIO air cleaner system today and protect your health! Any questions, call us toll-free at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
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