A lot of people deal with excess dust in their homes, along with chronic allergies and sinus or respiratory irritation. Vacuuming and mopping does help to a degree, but to truly control the constant release of new dust particles from sheetrock, carpets, new dust mite populations, pet hair, dust held and released by fabrics and furniture, etc, requires a HEPA air filtration system. Buying several quality portable HEPA air cleaners, one for every room you spend time in, however, can become expensive.
One of the most cost-effective methods of removing a large percentage of the dust in your home is to use a deluxe whole house purifier system attached to your central HVAC system or air conditioner ducts. A system like this with true HEPA filters can remove over 95% of all of the dust in your home with one unit that is out of sight, doesn’t take up any floor space in your home, and only requires one set of filters to be changed at replacement time. Granted, the fastest and best way to keep the air clean in your home would be to have 4-6 high quality portable air cleaners running in all of your home’s rooms, because a portable unit grabs anything blowing out of the ducts and captures new dust almost as it’s formed, even before the HVAC system can cycle it through the air handler.
So if you have the funds and you want the best, fastest indoor air purification possible, buy 4-6 portable air cleaners from brands like Aller Air, Austin Air or Blueair and run them continuously—or even better use the portable units in combination with a whole home air filtration system. But if you want one air cleaner unit that will remove over 95% of the dust in your home in a matter of a few days and keep it at 95-99% dust-free, we recommend whole house HEPA air purifiers, such as those from Aller Air, specifically the D AH Vocarb models, since they also come with industrial strength carbon that removes all those silently-aggravating and health destroying chemical residues from cleaning products, stored paints, solvents, fragrances, etc. Many people have allergies and sensitivities, headaches and other ailments, not realizing that they are reacting to these chemicals.
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com offers the most effective and lowest cost whole house air purifiers with quality HEPA and carbon filters that can quickly remove over 99% of all of the dust and chemical residues in your home—all at super low discount prices with free shipping every day, due to our low overhead and great relationships with our suppliers. If you have any questions about electronic home dust filtration, or need assistance choosing the best unit for your particular house, just give us a call at 1-800-701-2513. We’re here to help!
Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com