If your business revolves around pets—pet health, pet sitting, or running indoor kennels or boarding—and you don’t have an air cleaning system in place–your exposure to harmful cat, dog, bird, lizard or other pet dander & chemicals is multiplied, and your chances of developing serious illnesses, or severe allergies and respiratory issues goes way up.
Why? As you probably know, pet dander isn’t just pet hair—it’s pet hair, pet fecal material, bodily fluids, skin flakes or ‘dust’, bacteria, worms stages, viruses, and various other pieces of nails & other tissues that rub off as they walk around, rub up against walls and furniture, etc. And when that becomes airborne, if an air purifier isn’t removing these pollutants from the air, not only does airborne dander contribute strongly to odors, but it means that anyone in the general area will be inhaling a cocktail of infectious and for most, allergy & asthma triggering elements. And, it’s not just the dander—the chemicals and pesticides used to treat worms, kill fleas, etc all eventually become airborne, as well, and that’s no good for humans, either. If you’re around this dander & chemical-polluted air on a daily basis, it’s just a matter of time before it causes problems.
If you’re a veterinarian, obviously you know that the air quality in your office, treatment rooms, and kennel areas are going to be full of airborne dander from cats, dogs, birds, or whatever animals you treat on a regular basis. And if you don’t have a good air filtration system in place, everyone, including the animals, will be breathing polluted air, which is counter-productive if you’re trying to help animals get well, get over infections, etc. Are we saying you have to buy a room air cleaner for every room in the building? Well, not necessarily, but that would create probably the cleanest air possible in every room. However, there is a better way to breathe cleaner air in your office and rooms: just buy a pet air cleaner with true HEPA filters and quality activated carbon filters (at least a pound or two of carbon) for the main areas, replace your air conditioning systems filter with the best allergy rated filter you can find, and install vent filters in every output vent in your building.
The vent filters will prevent most of the dander that slips through the A/C filter and what’s stuck in the duct work from blowing out into the rooms (prevents a costly duct cleaning job). You see, the A/C filter only removes the particles in the duct work before the filter—all that duct work after the filter is often just as contaminated and blows out into rooms if you don’t have vent filters in place to stop it. You can buy this cut-to-fit vent filter material at Walmart, Lowe’s or other stores like that, or buy already pre-cut filters—you just have to look around more for the right size.
If you run a pet boarding center or kennel, we recommend the same thing—a quality pet air purifier for the main areas, replace the A/C filter with a highly rated (1500 or higher) allergen filter, and maybe a couple more or a larger commercial unit for the main kennel rooms (which will help prevent the spread of illnesses between animals, as well). And again, install vent filters in every output vent in every room of your building. Otherwise, you and your employees and the animals will be breathing a concentrated dose of infection and allergy & asthma-causing particles every day. And even though you may think it doesn’t bother you, it will catch up to you when the concentration of these pollutants reaches a cetain point in your body.
If you’re a pet sitter who sits with pets in your own house, definitely invest in a portable pet air cleaner for the main rooms where you spend the most time–or whole house air purifier that will clean the air in the whole house. But do install vent filters to prevent all the extra pet dander, hair, etc., that is usually stuck in the duct work from blowing out. If you travel to pet owners’ houses to sit, it might be a good idea to get a portable pet air purifier to take with you to help make sure you don’t sit in a house breathing highly polluted air for hours. And that’s likely what you’ll be doing if the owner does not have a pet air purifier or filtration system in place.
What brands of pet air cleaners do we recommend? Some of the very best air purifiers for pet dander, with high performance and best overall value are the Austin Pet Machine, the Blueair 450E, and the Winix 9500 Ultimate Pet Air Cleaner. All three of these have been proven to do a great air cleaning job for the money, with excellent warranties. For whole house air cleaners, we recommend Aller Air—and these will work great for most kennels, boarding facilities and veterinary offices, as well. Don’t buy a cheap air purifier without true HEPA filters and substantial amounts of activated carbon, i.e. the $99 special at Walmart—it won’t do the job and may actually make air quality worse.
At Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com, we sell only the best, top-rated air purifiers for pet odor and dander, replacement filters, test kits, and more. And since we’re an online store, we don’t have the overhead of traditional stores so we pass those savings on to you with cheap, discount prices, and free shipping every day.
If you’re not sure which pet air purifier to buy, call us toll-free today with any questions at 1-800-701-2513. Our indoor air quality experts are standing by to help!